Configure permissions and allocate licenses

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Understand how users access server projects

Before users can access projects on NVivo Server, you need to add them to the appropriate server user groups. Users access the NVivo server using either of the following:

As server administrator, you control access to the server by assigning users to server user groups—these groups control what the group members can do on the server.  You can assign the following roles:

The server administrator does not control access to specific projects—this is controlled by Project Owners, who can add users to project user groups from within the NVivo client—refer to the NVivo client Help for more information.

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Assign user roles and permissions

Before users can access server projects, you must assign user roles and permissions. When assigning users to server groups, consider the following:

To assign users to server user groups:

  1. In NVivo Server Manager, click the Users tab.

  2. On the left, click the Groups tab.

  1. In the Groups box, select the group you want to add users to.

  2. Click the Add button. The Select Users dialog box opens.

  3. In the From this location box, enter the server or domain name of the user account or group.

  4. Enter the user accounts or groups you want to add—separate multiple names with a semi colon.

  5. Click the Check Names button to verify user account and group names.

  6. Click OK.


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Understand how licenses work

Depending on the terms of purchase, your NVivo Server license:

You must purchase at least one processor license. NVivo Server processor licenses are based on quad-core processors and the number of licenses you require is determined by the number of cores allocated to the server.  You should discuss your processor licensing needs with QSR International. If you upgrade your hardware, you may need to purchase additional processor licenses.

NOTE  The processor licensing information above applies to NVivo Server 10 R2. If you are using NVivo Server 10, processor licenses are based on the number of CPUs allocated to the server.

NVivo Server supports multiple active license keys, as shown in the example below:


CALs can be distributed among:

For example, if your license includes 12 CALs, you could allocate 3 CALs to named users and allow 3 concurrent users to connect to the server:



Or you could leave all CALs unallocated and allow 4 concurrent users to connect at the same time:



When allocating CALs you may want to consider the following:

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Allocate Client Access Licenses (CALs)

To allocate a CAL to a named user or group:

  1. In NVivo Server Manager, click the Licensing tab.

  2. On the left, click the Allocation tab.

  1. Click the Add button.

The Select Users dialog box is displayed.

  1. In the From this location box, enter the server or domain name of the user account.

  2. Enter the user accounts you want to add—separate multiple user account names with a semi colon. If you allocate a license to a user account that has not been added to the Users project group—it is automatically added.

  3. Click the Check Names button to automatically verify the correct user account names.

  4. Click OK.

NOTE To remove a named user, select it from the list and click the Remove button. Removing a named user merely removes the CAL allocation—it does not remove the user from server user groups—refer to Assign user roles and permissions for information about removing users from server user groups.

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Check the number of CALs in use

To see how many CALs are currently being consumed by NVivo users:

  1. In NVivo Server Manager, click the Users tab.

  2. On the left, click the Users tab.

The number of CALs currently in use is displayed at the bottom of the screen.

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Check the status of Client Access Licenses (CALs)

To see how many CALs are allocated to named users and how many are available for concurrent users:

  1. In NVivo Server Manager, click the Licensing tab.

  2. On the left, click on the Allocation tab. The distribution of CALs is displayed at the bottom of the window.  

For named users it displays:

For concurrent users it displays:

Refer to Understand how licenses work for more information about how CALs are allocated.

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