Provide assistance to NVivo users

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Set up server connections in the NVivo client

Before users can access a server project, they must set up a server connection in the NVivo client via the Application Options. They must enter a 'friendly' name for the connection and the 'host' name which identifies the server on the network. The host name can be:

For detailed instructions on setting up a server connection, refer to the NVivo client Help.

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Help users who cannot access server projects

If a user is having trouble opening a server project, check that:

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Add Project Owners to a server project

Project Owners are the only users who can give other users access to a project, change project properties and perform other project management tasks. Normally Project Owners are added via the NVivo client, however, if existing Project Owners are unavailable for a particular project (for example, because people have left your organization), you may need to add another Project Owner to the project.

To add Project Owners:

  1. Open the NVivo Server Manager.

  2. Click the Projects tab.

  3. In the Projects list, select the project to which you want to add Project Owners.

  4. Click Add Owners.

  5. In the From this location box, enter the server or domain name of the user account.

  6. Enter the user accounts you want to add—separate multiple user account names with a semi colon.

NOTE If you add a user account that has not been added to the Users project group—it is automatically added.

  1. Click the Check Names button to automatically verify the correct user account names.

  2. Click OK.

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Help users manage audio and video files

NVivo users can choose to embed media files in a project or store them outside the project on their computer or on a network location. They may also choose to do both—storing small media files in the project, and storing large media files outside the project. Any files that exceed 100 MB must be stored outside the project.

If media files are stored on a user’s local machine then other users cannot access them. You should encourage users to store these files in a location accessible to all users—for example, on a shared network drive. Users can change the location of ‘external’ media files in the project—refer to the NVivo client Help for more information.

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Support users who are collaborating on a server project

When more than one user is working on a project, NVivo Server automatically saves updates and manages any potential conflicts between the users.

Users may ask the following:

When users are planning their work, there are a number of strategies they can use to prevent long-running operations from interfering with the other users of their project. Users could import documents individually (rather than selecting a large number to import in one operation). Users could choose a time of day to perform the long-running operation to avoid interfering with other user's updates. And, Project Owners can open the project 'exclusively' (locking out other users) before commencing a long-running operation.

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Help users who cannot create server projects

To create a project on NVivo Server a user must:

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Restore deleted projects

You should ensure that NVivo server projects are backed-up regularly—you can schedule regular backups via NVivo Server Manager.  

If a Project Owner accidentally deletes content from a project (or deletes the project), you can restore the project from a backup.

TIP  If the user is looking for deleted content, it is a good idea to restore to a new project. If the restored project has the missing content, the user can merge the two projects via the NVivo client. This approach ensures that the user does not lose any work they have done in the existing project since the backup was made.

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Improve project performance

If users are experiencing poor performance:

You should always make a backup copy of the project before repairing it.

When you repair a server project, other users are disconnected from the project.

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Copy a standalone project as a server project

Users (who have Project Creator permissions on the server) can copy an existing standalone project to the server using the copy function in the NVivo client. Refer to the NVivo client Help for more information.

Both standalone and server projects may contain links to audio and video files which are not embedded in the project. If you copy or move a project containing audio and video sources, you may also need to copy or move the media files. In the NVivo desktop application, you can display a list of all the files that are not embedded in the project—refer to the NVivo client Help for more information.

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Support users who want to work 'disconnected' from a server project

NVivo Server does not allow users to work disconnected and then 'sync' projects later on.

If necessary, users can copy a server project to their computer using the Copy function in the NVivo client (as long as the project is less than 10GB).  Refer to the NVivo client Help for more information about copying server projects.

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Provide guaranteed access to key users

Unless you allocate Client Access Licenses (CALs) to specific users, access to server projects is on a first-come, first-served basis.

If specific users need guaranteed access to a project (Project Owners for example), then you can allocate them a 'named' user license. Refer to Configure permissions and allocate licenses (Allocate Client Access Licenses) for more information.

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